HTC U11 vs Samsung S8+

为什么HTCU11Plus优于SamsungGalaxyS8Plus?;12.29%多的电量·3930mAhvs3500mAh;随机存取记忆体容量多2GB·6GBvs4GB;8.75%快的CPU速度·4x2.45GHz&4x1.9 ...,为什么SamsungGalaxyS8Plus优于HTCU11?·16.67%多的电量?3500mAhvs3000mAh·可无线充电?·解析度高15.63%?·萤幕...。參考影片的文章的如下:


HTC U11 Plus vs Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus:有何不同?

为什么HTC U11 Plus优于Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus? ; 12.29%多的电量 · 3930 mAhvs3500 mAh ; 随机存取记忆体容量多2GB · 6GBvs4GB ; 8.75%快的CPU 速度 · 4 x 2.45 GHz & 4 x 1.9 ...

HTC U11 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus:有何不同?

为什么Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus优于HTC U11? · 16.67%多的电量 ? 3500 mAhvs3000 mAh · 可无线充电 ? · 解析度高15.63% ? · 萤幕尺寸大12.73% ? · 内部存储空间大64GB ? · 具有 ...

HTC U11 vs Samsung S8+ | 大對決#5【小翔XIANG】

Title:HTC U11 vs Samsung S8+ - Which Should You Buy? Source:HTC、Samsung Produced by:小翔XIANG 【My Pages】 Facebook: / xiangblog ...

HTC U11 vs. Galaxy S8+ Speed Test

Get your free trial at and use offer code phonebuff for 10% off! Big thanks to Squarespace for ...

HTC U11 vs. Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+

The U11 and S8 have the same battery capacity, while the S8+ adds a little more. Still, keep in mind that battery size isn't the only indicator ...

HTC U11 vs. Samsung Galaxy S8+: Pixel Duel

In low light the Galaxy S8+ holds on to color better, with the U11's shots losing saturation. Even in the dark U11's selfies are more detailed - ...

HTC U11 vs. Samsung Galaxy S8+: Pixel Duel

Okay, maybe not the front-facing camera, where the U11's selfie snapper offers twice the number of pixels of the S8+ (16MP vs. 8MP), albeit with ...

HTC U11 台灣市售版開箱、效能電力速測、與S8+ 拍照對比

△ 兩機的前相機部份,規格就有不小差異,HTC U11 內建1600 萬畫素前置相機,光圈為F2.0,沒有自動對焦;而Samsung Galaxy S8+ 則有800 萬畫素前置相機,支援自動對焦,光圈則達到 ...

[PK對決]誰才是安兔兔的王者? hTC U11 VS Samsung Galaxy S8+

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效能超越S8 Plus,卻贏不了U11?Nokia 8 最新安兔兔跑分出來了!

相較於同樣搭載S835 處理器的Android 旗艦機款, Nokia 8 在多核心效能的測試表現,成績相當不錯,位居跑分榜第五名,但仍略遜於三星Galaxy S8 Plus、小米6。


为什么HTCU11Plus优于SamsungGalaxyS8Plus?;12.29%多的电量·3930mAhvs3500mAh;随机存取记忆体容量多2GB·6GBvs4GB;8.75%快的CPU速度·4x2.45GHz&4x1.9 ...,为什么SamsungGalaxyS8Plus优于HTCU11?·16.67%多的电量?3500mAhvs3000mAh·可无线充电?·解析度高15.63%?·萤幕尺寸大12.73%?·内部存储空间大64GB?·具有 ...,Title:HTCU11vsSamsungS8+-WhichShouldYouBuy?Source:HTC、SamsungProducedby:小翔XIANG【MyPages】Facebo...